Who will like you, follow you, interact with you or snooze you? What kind of people do you draw from your social media posts?

A few years ago, I was asked to come to a school for career day. They didn't want me to talk about doing hair but instead to talk about social media marketing. I decided to make it a little different. I talked about personalized personal branding. In other words, what does your personal social media attract?
What you post on social media will attract a specific type of person. If your posts are about cooking, you will attract people who like to cook and eat. If you post about personal drama, you will attract people who want to create emotional drama.
What you post matters because if you are negative and unhappy, that is who you will attract. You will attract them on social media and in life. Suppose you complain about how no one ever does anything for you. Sadly, you will attract people who won't do things for you because you will attract those who have a sense of entitlement. You will attract people looking for people to do something for them. Think about this when you see someone post about how awful people are in the world, what do the comments look like usually? When you see a post about someone being thankful, what do the comments look like usually?
Negative and complaining posts tend to get more attention with new followers, comments, and likes. But to get that interaction, you are also inviting more negative people into your life. The social media negativity will go beyond your social media status into your real world. It will add anxiety, stress, and unexplained anger.
Positive people attract positive people, and on the flip side, pessimistic people attract negative people. People who do for others will attract people who do things for others. My personal experience is that when people complain that no one is there for them, it is usually because they are not there for others. Keeping this in mind, it means when you complain, no one is there for you. You are attracting people who will not be there for you. They like, comment, and follow your social media because you share a common problem. Want to change that? Start by changing what you post!